How to Find the Best Optometrist Near You

If you're in the Lewisville, TX, area and searching online for eye doctor near you, you're probably looking for the right optometrist for your needs near your location. Fortunately, you've found us at Brecheen Learning & Vision Center. Working with an optometrist is a great way to get the eyecare and vision support you need, so you can have healthy eyes and see the world more clearly. There's no reason to settle for anything less when you have us to help you improve your quality of life.


Look for a Trusted Optometrist

The right optometrist for your needs is the one that gives you the care you're looking for. Even if you find someone who has all the qualifications you're seeking, he still might not be a good fit if you're not comfortable with him. That's why it's important to look at a number of different areas before choosing an eye doctor to help you. There's a lot more than just their experience and location to consider.

Read Reviews and Listen to Opinions

What other people say about the value of an eye doctor and how much they were helped at their appointment can be a good way to see if the doctor sounds like a good fit for your specific situation or needs. You can also ask friends and family members if they have any experience with that doctor, since they might be able to give you a more first-hand account of how patients are treated. In the end, though, the choice is still up to you.

Consider Education and Training

Education, training, experience, bedside manner, and general personality all come together when you're looking for the right optometrist near you. The best one is the one you like and are comfortable with while still getting you the eye care you need. The longer an optometrist has been in his career, the more ongoing education he may have had and the more patients he likely has worked with, potentially helping you get a higher level of care.

Thankfully, Dr. Brecheen, OD has over thirty years of experience, making him a good candidate for anyone looking for eye care in the Lewisville, TX, area.

Get Eye Care from an Eye Doctor Near You at Our Location in Lewisville, TX

Contact us today at Brecheen Learning & Vision Center if you're in the Lewisville, TX, area and looking for the right optometrist to meet your needs. We have the skills, education, compassion, and experience to help treat your vision and eye health conditions for the long term. Call us at (972) 221-2564 for eye care from an eye doctor near you.

Hours of Operation

Office Hours


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


By Appt.

By Appt.



Office Hours

9:00 am - 5:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
By Appt. By Appt.


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